Life has all of a sudden got very busy, and I love it! :)
I reckon my flat feels slightly neglected at the moment. Not spending a lot of time here. Monday I went out for a meal with Torkjel, then to see the recording of Golden Goal with Lene from work. Had a good time there. Always fun to see people do things wrong on TV.... hehe.
Tuesday I went climbing with Magne, then out to eat sushi with Torkjel. Really nice food! Could eat that a lot more often if it was easier to get hold of and not as expensive! Yummy!
Got day off tomorrow, so going to see Irene. Think she's got about five weeks left before the twins will definately be saying hello now. Then I'm spending the evening with Anniken. So no rest for the wicked!
torsdag 26. april 2007
søndag 22. april 2007
Good weekend!
Oh well, that's the weekend over! Why can't it be weekend all the time? Well, weekend without me working that is! Don't particularly feel like going back to work tomorrow!
Friday night I spent at home not doing much more than watching telly, talking on the phone and spending time in front of the computer. Saturday I was kindly introduced to Oslo Østmarka by someone nice. Did a great walk there! Really enjoyed getting outside again! Weather wasn't bad either, nice and sunny. I also went out for my first Indian in Norway on Saturday night! Food was great, service is not worth mentioning.... Think they had a "let's just serve one table at any given time"-policy! Hehe.
Sunday was spent not doing much more than chatting, apart from going to a pizza place in Oslo, before travelling home. What can I do to make the weekend last longer?
fredag 20. april 2007
That's another week finished and the weekend has started!
Having a quiet night at home in front of the telly and computer, preparing for the next few days. Off for a walk tomorrow and cinema or something similar in the evening. Sunday I'm not sure about yet, but there is a charity comedy show on in Oslo I really want to go and see. Monday night me and Lene (from work) are going to see the live recording of the TV2 program Golden Goal, and Tuesday I'm climbing!
The last week has been a bit more active than I expected it to be. Tuesday I went to Oslo and went out for a meal. Wednesday I worked late, and Thursday I had a visitor and cooked dinner.
Cycling to work is going well so far! Still haven't chickened out once :)
Having a quiet night at home in front of the telly and computer, preparing for the next few days. Off for a walk tomorrow and cinema or something similar in the evening. Sunday I'm not sure about yet, but there is a charity comedy show on in Oslo I really want to go and see. Monday night me and Lene (from work) are going to see the live recording of the TV2 program Golden Goal, and Tuesday I'm climbing!
The last week has been a bit more active than I expected it to be. Tuesday I went to Oslo and went out for a meal. Wednesday I worked late, and Thursday I had a visitor and cooked dinner.
Cycling to work is going well so far! Still haven't chickened out once :)
mandag 16. april 2007
Signs of summer...
Yay, summer is here! Well, at least summer is pretending to be here!!! Yesterday was gorgeous. Went to Martine's on my bike, and played with Kassander for a while outside their house. Then we went down to the beach and had this years first BBQ! Woohoo! We weren't the first people to have that thought, so we were joined by a fair few other people too. Later on we went back up to the house, and sat outside in the sun for a while, before Martine's landlord invited us up for waffles. Very nice of them :) Kassander then had his bath, and went to bed, before we decided to play a Game of Thrones. Remy spent three hours explaining the game, but should be able to play it properly next time. (Yes, there will be a next time Remy :) )
søndag 15. april 2007
Struggled to log in
Hello I'm back again!
I've had problems logging in to my blog over the last couple of days... Not sure why, think I was trying to log in with the wrong password. But now I managed! And I've written it down - just in case!
It's been an active week. I had Thursday off work, so I went to the scout head office in Oslo to see a friend who works there, and had a chat with the general secretary (head of scouting in Norway). They've moved into new offices, and it looks really nice there. Slightly more modern than the old ones.
After my visit there, I caught the train to Hamar and had a wonder round the high street before Dagim and Hermine came to pick me up. We went to a couple of scout meetings, which was interesting. Now been dragged in to organise abseiling and crate climbing with Hermine at the summer camp. Could be fun!
After the meetings we drove to Elverum, and after dropping Hermine off Dagim wondered if I wanted to find a couple of caches. And who can say no to that! They were both pretty clever, but one of them was brilliant! We then went back to his to play some Nintendo WII, great fun! Struggled a bit to start with though, kinda strange having a thing in your hand that makes stuff on the screen move...
The next morning I had to head back to Oslo and work. Saturday was also spent working, before Magne came to visit, and we went out to find a few geocaches. Think he's been hooked on the game too now! Well, it's Sunday now, and gorgeous weather, so better get off the computer and go out to enjoy the sun! Think I'm going to see if I can find the cache we struggled with last night.
Ps. The pic is taken from Hvalstrand last night. It was no wind, warm and gorgeous!
onsdag 11. april 2007
Kassander walking

Yesterday was back-to-work day. Was pretty hard to get up early again, and I wasn't overjoyed to back at work, but it could have been worse.
Went to Martine for dinner after work, where I met one of her friends too. Nice to see them again. Kassander has learnt to walk since last time I was there, and he was really excited to have visitors and was really active. He even let me feed him his porridge, whilst running around with a cheeky grin on his face!
Other than that, not a lot has happened since Monday. I'm off work tomorrow, so going to give the scout head office a visit, and catch the train to Hamar for a couple of meetings. Should be a good day I guess.
mandag 9. april 2007
That's the weekend over, and so is the Easter Holidays!
Been to celebrate my mum's Birthday at Color Fantasy over the weekend. All good fun having a weekend with my mum, my 19 year old cousin (okay, she's almost 20) and my grandmother. Spent the weekend eating gourmet food (9 courses!), swimming/jacuzzi, walking in Kiel, watching a live show, shopping.... I was surprisingly awake on Saturday too, considering the small amount of sleep I had.
Tomorrow is Tuesday, which means back to work. Oh well, could be busy, lots of people ringing us who have had furniture problems over the weekend.... Not complaining though, having a short week at work, and not too many early mornings. :)
lørdag 7. april 2007
Dinner and monopoly
Easter Holiday is great!
Been to Irene and BE today for dinner. To start with we were just sat around having a chat whilst BE prepared the food. The talk included some gossip about BE's friend who was coming later on that evening.
He later arrived and we had a delicious lamb dinner.
Despite kindly telling BE not to hint at him giving me a lift home, he ended up offering me a lift after all, when we decided to play monopoly after dinner. We played the shortest Monopoly game in our history (about two hours!), and sat around talking for a bit. Irene won, for the first time in history too!
I then got a lift home in a little two seater sports car (don't ask me what it was, can't remember...) (BMW Z4 according to Bjørn Eirik :) )
Oh well, I survived... Hehe.
Tomorrow I'm off on the boat to celebrate my mum's 50th Birthday.
"Det du ikkje veit, er du ikkje klar over" sa Dagim...
Been to Irene and BE today for dinner. To start with we were just sat around having a chat whilst BE prepared the food. The talk included some gossip about BE's friend who was coming later on that evening.
He later arrived and we had a delicious lamb dinner.
Despite kindly telling BE not to hint at him giving me a lift home, he ended up offering me a lift after all, when we decided to play monopoly after dinner. We played the shortest Monopoly game in our history (about two hours!), and sat around talking for a bit. Irene won, for the first time in history too!
I then got a lift home in a little two seater sports car (don't ask me what it was, can't remember...) (BMW Z4 according to Bjørn Eirik :) )
Oh well, I survived... Hehe.
Tomorrow I'm off on the boat to celebrate my mum's 50th Birthday.
"Det du ikkje veit, er du ikkje klar over" sa Dagim...
torsdag 5. april 2007
Yep, it's Easter Holidays here now :) Sunny weather too!
Not much has happened the last couple of days. Mainly been to work, cycled a bit and been sat in front of the computer. Got a couple of days to see friends now (the ones that haven't gone away on holiday), before my mum turns 50 and we're going on the boat (Color Fantasy) to celebrate.
Just had to add the photo of Dagim asleep on my floor.... Think someone is happy I've now got a sofa to sleep on ;)
Enjoy your holidays!
mandag 2. april 2007
Could have done with a strong man!
But there aren't really many of them around...
My sofa arrived today! Woohoo! I didn't realise how litterally the transport people took their job description though! It says carry it inside the door, well they did! And left it in my tiny little corridor.... Me home alone = only me to get the sofa where it was supposed to go. Well, I managed!
Went for a little bike ride around the area afterwards, gorgeous weather again! Took a few photos in the sunny weather. Two more days to work now, then Easter holiday!
søndag 1. april 2007
Busy weekend!

Well, that's my weekend over! Rather interesting and eventful if you ask me...
It all started while I was still at work on Friday, with a text to check my email. Well, some of you know what I'm talking about, and you know even better how frustrated I was when I read it - since I'm not the only one! All that can be said is: Why on earth don't people give up before they make a fool of themselves???
After work on Friday I got the train to Lillehammer. Saturday I spent shopping with my mum and relaxing, before Ann Mari's birthday bash on Saturday night.
Had a really good nigh! Started off with a girls party with Ingvild, Ida Katrine, Ann Mari and Live first, then we went out. I always forget hos busy it gets at Brenneriet. Sunday morning I attempted to sleep for a while, following the fact that I didn't go to bed until late.... Or early! Your choice...
Dagim, Hermine and Anne came round for a Hardhaus meeting, and various other discussions. When we got too hungry to talk, we ended up in Egon for pizza and more talking. Was a good social gathering, and I think we managed to come to some conclusions regarding Hardhaus too.
Well, now I'm back in Asker, and three days of working is ahead of me, then it's EASTER HOLIDAYS!!! Woohoo!
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