It's Saturday morning and we got back from Rome yesterday. I can still feel my feet aching slightly from all the walking. I'm sure we walked 15k at least every day! Rome is a fantastic city. There are soooo much to see. We didn't manage anywhere near all the stuff we wanted to see, but what we did see was great! We saw the Colosseum (passed it several times too as it was on the way back to our hotel), The Forum, Palatine hill and everything around that area in one day. A lot of ruins and reconstructed buildings. I wondered for a long time how they managed to build such massive buildings, and then found out they made scaffolding out of wood, but sort of built it into the structure, and took it out again when it was finished. We did everything from Colosseum, St Peters basilica, St Peters Square (even saw the pope!), walked along the river, saw lots of pillars, archeological sites. Every time they knock down a building they find something underneath it from the roman times or similar.
We also ate a lot of lovely icecream (YUMMY!), pasta, meat, seafood, pizza and drank a lot of great wine! One of the nights we went to a lovely restaurant. We ordered a four course meal. Every course was pretty much as much food as I would eat in a main meal! It was fantastic food though, although I didn't manage to finish it off.
I've put an album out on Facebook so you can have a look at photos there. And I'll put a few up here. If I speak to you, ask me about the Gucci incident ;)
Really do not want to go back to work on Monday, but guess that's life! In a week MO and Russ are coming over, so new exciting stuff is happening!
Went to see Ratatouille at the Cinema on Saturday and it was brilliant! Well worth watching! If you're considering it, make a plan out of it! Everyone at the cinema was applauding after the film. Very funny :) We went out for a meal after, which was nice.
Sunday the weather turned gorgeous! It was about ten degrees in the shadow, no wind and not a cloud in sight. We went for a walk in Østmarka, and found a few caches. One of them we were sat on top of but couldn't take cause of mugglers. (For non-cachers this means people sat around, being able to see what we were up to, so we couldn't dig the box out so they saw it). We walked from Ulsrud T-bane station to Mariholtet for a bolle, then to Oppsal. Probably about 12-13k walk. Nice :) Lovely autumn colours everywhere too! (See pictures - from my mobile though so the colours are not great...)
Monday I went to see Irene. Saw the twins for a bit too. They're five months old now, and growing fast. Really cute!!! Was nice to have a girlie night with Irene, gonna have to do that again soon!
Well, back at work this week. Pretty much chaotic as we've now moved to the places where we're gonna sit. But most of the phones are not working... That's useful at a customer services centre....
A few days ago Russ got offered a job in Oslo, so now they're moving here. Yay :) About time really! Been a really busy week at work, because a few people has gone to other jobs at IKEA so we're waiting for three new ones to start. They've been employed, and will start in a couple of weeks time. This means there are more cases to handle for us that are left behind. I get really annoyed with how much people expect from us. We give them really good deals and they're still arguing with us. Saying they're gonna get lawyers and stuff. Oh well!The film we went to see on Sunday (Tatt av kvinnen) is worth seeing. Got some really funny quotes in it!The week has gone fast. Been working every day, and been climbing twice and cycling once. So a pretty active week. Going to have a relaxing weekend with shopping tomorrow (need a fan in the kitchen) and hopefully a nice walk on Sunday. Just over a week until my holiday now! :)