Finally - winter! Well, almost anyway. We went skiing at Tryvann on Sunday as you can see from the photos. It was a great day! We've still not got any snow in central Oslo, but just outside Oslo there are snow. MO, Russ, Torkjel, Edgar and me went and tried out the skiis, and it seemed like none of us had forgotten how they work. All good really :)Other than that Ann Mari came to visit us on Saturday night, and we also went to Enebakk to get Torkjel's skis on saturday. Last week was pretty busy but it went fast. Didn't really do an awful lot worth mentioning, other than the skiing obviously!Warming up for Hemsedal now, here we come! :)
(Had to steal some photos from Torkjel's phone, it takes better photos than my phone!)



Weekend is almost over again! How on earth does it go that quick???.jpg)
Yesterday we went for a walk on the outskirts of Oslo. It was great sunny weather, and fresh. About 0 degrees I reckon. We took the t-banen to Skullerud, and walked to Manglerud from there, via Rustadsaga and Østensjøvannet. When we got to Østensjøvannet people were iceskating on it! So we decided to walk across it! Great fun :) (See photo of Torkjel) A bloke was telling us off and saying it was dangerous, but the ice was at least 10cm thick, and as long as we stayed away from streams and moving water it's fine. In the evening MO and Russ came to visit, and we had waffles. Nice to see them again, and it's great to have them nearby! A bit strange to get used to that again really. We've had a pretty relaxing day today. Not been outside the door at all. Irene, BE and the twins came over for dinner, which was nice. First time they've been to our flat. The twins are growing really fast, not far off 7 months old now. Back to work tomorrow. Hoping this week goes just as quick as last week really...
I'm so relieved the weekend is here, so I just want to make a post because of that.
It's been a long and hard week at work, but I've got a lot done, which is good! Hoping to go for a walk tomorrow. And Irene and Knut Eirik are visiting on Sunday for dinner. The twins are coming too, but think they'll get served another type of food... Been looking at websites for skiresorts, and I'm really pleased to see that the majority of them are opening tomorrow! Which means we're now planning downhill skiing in Oslo next Saturday! Woohoo!
But first, this weekend with two days off work :)
I'm uploading this photo for Odin's sake ;) The ones who know what this is a photo of will probably get the idea. Nothing more said...
Last week we were a bit more back on track at work - not as chaotic, and the new people are starting to settle in which is good.As far as the week went, we didn't do overly much. Tuesday we meant to go climbing, but I wasn't feeling up for it. Wednesday Torkjel managed to fracture a rib (at least he thinks he has) whilst playing hockey, so there the climbing on Thursday went down the drain too. Oh well. Meant more relaxing though. Friday night MO and Russ came for dinner and a chat, and Saturday we trawled round town to see if we could find a painting to go on the big white wall. No luck yet, but we've got some ideas. Sunday was yet another relaxing day. Slept in, then went to see Anniken and Guro at a cafe. MO came and joined too. For dinner we tried out San Leandro once again, and it didn't disappoint this time either. Lovely tapas :) To end the weekend we went to see Michael Clayton at Colosseum. Mo and Russ joined us doing so :)It was not fun to get out of bed this morning, but work was calling. Another week has started...