It's Sunday and dull weather, so we decided to take a walk around Oslo to find some geocaches. I spent a bit of time this morning finding the ones we wanted to take, and we set off, with the intention to be back home in time for a climbing session in the afternoon/evening.
Well, how wrong can it go? The first one we got to we couldn't find, followed by two easy ones. After that we got to the new Opera house. No luck there either, due to stupid amounts of people, or mugglers in geocaching language... Once again we had to mark as not found.
The next one was once again stupidly easy, and I found it straight away. We then went to Stortinget, where we looked for the cache for some time without any luck. The next one we knew was not going to be easy, so we had prepared ourselves looking at logs etc, but still no luck! Think we spent 45 minutes looking for it!
The last one of today we've tried to find before, and we actually managed today! So in total we found four out of eight caches. I've added a screen shot of todays walk. It might not have helped that the GPS wasn't cooperating.... The yellow dots/line shows where we have walked. And as you can see, we have become very good at jumping far! Hehe.
So that's todays update about geocaching. I'm sure this isn't interesting for the majority of you, but if you fancy taking a look at what this thing is, see or in Norwegian.
The weekend finally arrived, and the sun packed its bags and left! Typical! Saying that, I have had the opportunity to get a little bit out of the nice weather over the few days though. On Tuesday I spent the day with my dad in the nice sunny weather. Wednesday I had the morning off work, so I did some shopping and walked around in the sunny weather outside :) Somehow I got inspired to buy a new waterproof jacket whilst walking in the sun! I desperately needed one as last time I used mine, I was more soaked inside the jacket than on the outside.Thursday I met MO after work. We went to Aker Brygge for some coffee (well, I still don't drink that stuff, so had a hot chocolate), and sat outside in the sun. A bit later we met T and had dinner at Friday's which was nice. Friday and Saturday I've been working. It was nice weather when I left for work today, but it stopped being nice about half way through the day, and on my way home I needed to find my umbrella. I've now spent the evening watching the last few episodes of The OC, and now there's nothing more to watch! I need something else to watch, suggestions please!

Over the last couple of days I have finally had time to sit down and breathe. The last two weeks have been really busy with fun stuff, which means not a lot of time to update my blog, tidy the flat or anything else sensible for that matter...We have been climbing a few times, went to a cabaret to see T's sister perform, been out for a meal at Baltazar, seeing friends, working and more work... I have also made my first cake using the stuff I learnt from the cake decorating course. See picture! :)The weekend just gone I spent at a gathering for District Commisionaries for the Norwegian Scout Association. We discussed a load of things and walked up a ravine/gorge on Saturday afternoon, getting soaking wet. But it was great fun!The lovely hot weather has finally hit us, and yesterday we took our first bike trip of the year. We cycled to Bygdøy, and found five geocaches on the way too. I've spent my day off today with my dad, looking at cruise ships, shopping at IKEA and generally walking around Oslo in the gorgeous sunny weather!

It's Sunday night and I should really go to bed. I didn't wake up until one this afternoon though, so don't feel particularly tired... We went out for tapas and wine last night, followed by a friends 30th Birthday party. So bedtime didn't really happen until about four this morning. Did have a great night though. Yesterday Irene and I went on a cake decoration course which was great fun. I have now learnt some skills on how to decorate cakes with butter cream and marzipan. Doing an Icing course soon too which will be good. Last week went pretty fast, doing climbing a couple of evenings, went for a meal and eyetoy playing on PS2 at MO and Russ' and worked in the evenings. I can't see this week being any less eventful. Not ready for early Monday morning yet though...