My bag is packed and I'm ready to get on a plane to Greece. We're leaving tomorrow mid-day, and I can't wait. It was great to leave work for two weeks today!
Been a busy week preparing for holiday and working. Also went on a webcourse Thursday night to learn how to update our coming website for the scout district. It was nice and easy, and soon we will have a new website!
I'll be gone for a while now, but will be back with holiday stories and pictures when we get home.
fredag 30. mai 2008
tirsdag 20. mai 2008
17. mai

Another week has seen two days gone already, and it is 11 days left until we're on a flight to Crete looking forward to two weeks of island hopping. Would be nice if time went slightly quicker if you ask me...
The weekend just gone we celebrated 17th May. For the ones that have managed to avoid hearing about this day, it's Norway's constitution day. The constitution was signed 17th May 1814. The day is celebrated with children parades, Russ (not the Russ you know, but the ones about to finish school!) running about and generally being Norwegian whilst waving our flag.
We had champagne breakfast for Russ, Mo and two others at our house, before we left the house to join the rest of Norway in the streets of Oslo. Unfortunately it was a very cold day, with the thermometer showing +1 degrees in the morning. Brrrr! After walking around the streets watching people in Bunad (Norwegian national dresses) and eating icecream, we went back to ours for more cake and champagne. Later on we invaded Kaia's flat, and had dinner there. BBQ was kinda out of the question as it was freezing!
Monday nigh we had a girls night again, with only three of us this time. It was a nice quiet night with a lot of chatting :)
tirsdag 13. mai 2008
It's Tuesday today, and Witsun (Pinse in Norwegian) is over. We had a long weekend with a day off work on Monday too. We went to Langevågen on Sula by Ålesund for the weekend. A lot of my family lives there, and we spent time at my grandmothers and my uncle and aunts house. We also did a few walks around the island. On Saturday we arrived and went for a walk around a lake. Sunday we spent walking up a mountain, starting at 0 meters and got to 540 at the highest. In the evening we were invited for dinner at my Uncle's house which was nice :) Monday was lovely weather, and we did a couple of walks along the sea.
søndag 4. mai 2008
A taste of summer...
The sun has been out pretty much all weekend which has been great! We have spent the weekend doing quite a lot of active stuff, which has been good. Saturday morning we got up early and got the bus to Enebakk. After checking one of our caches and doing some maintenance on it, we stopped by T's parents house to make a packed lunch. We then headed off towards Høgåsen (high hill) to place a cache there. On the way we stopped to eat our lunch and enjoy the lovely sunny weather! In the evening we had a BBQ with T's mum which was very lovely!
Today we got up pretty early again as a result of going to bed pretty early last night. We went out and had breakfast in a cafe, sat outside enjoying it in the sun. I've also been on the Royal Icing course with Cacas today, which was good. I now know how to make icing decorations for cakes.
Another week at work starts tomorrow.... Not sure I am ready for it...
torsdag 1. mai 2008
Mayday mayday! Hmm... sounds like I'm in a plane that's about to go down, or in a burning boat. Well, I'm neither. It's 1st May today, hence the title. I've had the day off work which has been great. It's been spent climbing with Torkjel and Russ and putting photos in a photo album mainly.
The week has gone pretty quick so far. Monday I was working late, and Tuesday we spent the evening at Irene's. The twins celebrated their 1st Birthday, and we were invited. It was a great evening with happy kids, and nice people. Some of BE's friends were there too, and we sat for a while talking and eating lovely home made chocolate and marsipan cakes.
I realised yesterday that we've not eaten dinner at home for a long time. I've been working evenings and eating at work, or been away. Pretty much the same with Torkjel. Once in a while we've been eating out because of lack of time to do anything else. Best do something about that shortly!
There's only one day left at work now before the weekend. Looking forward to another two days off!
The week has gone pretty quick so far. Monday I was working late, and Tuesday we spent the evening at Irene's. The twins celebrated their 1st Birthday, and we were invited. It was a great evening with happy kids, and nice people. Some of BE's friends were there too, and we sat for a while talking and eating lovely home made chocolate and marsipan cakes.
I realised yesterday that we've not eaten dinner at home for a long time. I've been working evenings and eating at work, or been away. Pretty much the same with Torkjel. Once in a while we've been eating out because of lack of time to do anything else. Best do something about that shortly!
There's only one day left at work now before the weekend. Looking forward to another two days off!
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