It's nice to be back to normal after a couple of weeks off work. I've got my energy back too, whehey! Ages since I last wrote anything here now. Not because there hasn't been anything to write about, just because I'm lazy.
The things that has happened is Lederløft, a scout weekend with leaders from all over Norway. Had a good time there meeting up with old friends as well as meeting new people. I have also been asked to be in charge of external press for the National scout camp in the summer. It took me some time to think about that, but I ended up saying yes. Gonna need someone to do a great job besides me though, as I'll have the little one to look after from January. (see pics)
I've also had a weekend in Åndalsnes meeting up with the committee that's organising the scout camp (www.landsleir.no and www.visitutopia.no) It was a busy weekend with a lot of meetings.
The weekend just gone I've been to Denmark with MO and two of her friends from Fredrikstad. We took the boat to Copenhagen, and spent one night there. Had a great relaxing weekend and really enjoyed it. As well as being social on the boat we did some shopping in Copenhagen, visited Tivoli and also Christiania. That was really interesting. Felt like we walked into a film set... No pics from there though as we weren't allowed to take any.
I'll attempt to update my blog a bit more often from now on :)