
tirsdag 9. mars 2010

Stonz, pretty genious!

As kids are not supposed to wear shoes before they learn to walk, it can be hard to find something to put on their feet whilst being outside. Stonz was our saviour! Specially since we carry Theo on our front/back a fair bit. He need something to keep his feet warm in winter cold Norway. They are fairly waterproof too, so there's no problem with kids walking on snow with them. 

A huge thanx to the people who suggested buying Stonz. Although Theo has learnt to walk now, we still use them as they're lovely and warm. They're like a small bag you put on your babie's feet, and tighten with straps. 

Have a look at to see what they look like. They are made in Canada, and a lot of people use them in Norway.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Cool boots :) Give Theo a hug from me - big little man walking!

  2. Will do :) Yep, he's a big little man walking, and pretty much running.

  3. Dette er et fantastisk produkt! Vi har klødd oss i hodet over hva vi skal putte på Julias føtter nå, hun går ikke særlig selv ennå og vi har et utvalg av sko det er umulig å få på foten hennes eller som hun blir iskald i. Så at du skrev dette og i helga hadde vi besøk av noen som hadde det og, så nå er Julias på vei i posten. Jeg gleder meg til å prøve! Og takk for godt tips :) Håper alt er bare bra med dere.
