
torsdag 29. mars 2007

New sofa!

Working at IKEA is dangerous business.... Definately when it comes to spending money. I went to recovery (the department where they sell x display stuff) to have a look today, and found the sofa I've been looking at really cheap! So I bought it! I'll get it delivered on Monday after work. Guess I've got somewhere to sit when I've got visitors now, don't have to sit on the chairs anyway... That's if it goes through the door....

Off to Lillehammer this weekend to celebrate Ann Mari's birthday. Should be good. Just one more day at work first!

Hope you all have a good weekend, and for those of you that don't work at the beginning of next week, hope you have a great Easter Holidays!

tirsdag 27. mars 2007

Sore bum...

Yeah, that comes with sitting on a bike for the first time since June last year! Tested out cycling to work today, and it was not bad at all! Kind of helps that the weather couldn't be any better though! I can even park my bike indoors!

Slept in this morning, was a bit tired after a late night on the computer. Really should have will power enough to go to bed earlier, but it doesn't always work that way...

Just been down to Hvalstrand beach, and it's gorgeous down there. Been sat on a rock watching other people and just enjoying the hot sun! Lovely spring weather!

mandag 26. mars 2007

Woohoo! Bike!

Yay! I've finally got the bike I wanted! And I've just cycled home on it too! I can imagine my bum hurting over the next week or so, but that won't stop me from cycling to work! (Trying to convince myself more than anyone else here....) I'm off to the shop now, to try my bike out further in the lovely weather!

søndag 25. mars 2007

Scout leaders... hmmm.....

Well.... I thought this weekend was gonna be pretty dull. Turns out I was completely wrong! Went to Irene's house last night, for their housewarming. It was mainly scout leaders on the guestlist, and I expected it to be a fairly quiet night. Hmmm.... how wrong could I be?!?

They decided to fill the kitchen table with majority of the alcohol that existed in the house, and we might as well have been in a bar! So the rest of the story tells itself... Me (being pretty much sober) and Irene (being very sober) had fun watching the blokes having fun.... If they can remember anything today is a different question!

Anyway, it was a great night. Was fun to meet all the leaders that came to England last summer again. Today we've just spent on the sofa chatting. Needless to say, Bjørn Eirik got up, had some food, and went back to bed for a bit....

Guess this is the last time he'll get that much alcohol down his throat. In two months time he's a dad to two little ones!

lørdag 24. mars 2007

Music and lyrics

Well, it's late again. I've just got home from a social night with Anniken and also Helga. Went to the cinema to see Music and Lyrics with Hugh Grant, and it was a good girlie film. Had a good laugh, and even the bloke in the chair next to me laughed a lot, so must have been a film for blokes too ;)

Went to a bar after the film and had an interesting chat about stuff I don't particularly feel like repeating here.... Got very depressing, so we changed the topic.

Yay, no work in the morning, so I can sleep in! Having another shot at trying to get the bike I want tomorrow.

Well, sleep tight, I certainly will!

torsdag 22. mars 2007

Not going snowholing after all....

Oh well, not going snowholing this weekend after all... There's only one person to blame, but he claims he'd have to leave his nose behind at home if he was to come, and that would have been silly, so I'll let him off since he's got a cold. Better luck next time!

I won't be wearing out my new chair anyway though, since I'm going to the cinema to see Lyrics and Music or something like that, the film with Hugh Grant, with Anniken tomorrow. Then Irene is having a party at their house on Saturday night, so I'll show my face there too! Should be a good weekend. Looking forward to a couple of days off work.

onsdag 21. mars 2007

New chair!

Well, I'm just about to open a box with a chair in it, and attempt to build it. If I succeed I'll be sitting a bit more comfortable in front of the computer from now on...

Went to get the bike I want today, but they didn't have it yet. Shame, really want to start cycling to work now! It's not often I can use the fact that I haven't got a bike as an excuse. I'll be using the weather as an excuse next...

tirsdag 20. mars 2007

Geocaching - fun!

Okay, I admit it! Now I've been bitten by this bizarre hobby - geocaching. Found my two first two tonight (with a tiny bit of help from Dagim...) You get some coordinates, find something at that spot, leave a mark, then write a log. It's like orienteering, just slightly bigger scale (having a car is an advantage...). Now I need a bike and a GPS to start with! Then I'll be off to the adventures of geocaching all by myself!

mandag 19. mars 2007

England 18th to 21st May?

Just looking at prices for flights to England that weekend, and at the moment they're really cheap! I can get a return flight from Torp to Liverpool for 446 NOK! Think I'll be asking for time off work on the friday and monday...

So maybe I'll be there for the Eurovision party! I'm hoping so anyway!

Not much happening today. Looking at applying for a job (yeah yeah, I know I've just started a new job!). Won't let you know just yet what the job is about, but I will if I find out more. Don't want work to know I'm applying as I've just started. Don't misunderstand me though, I'm really enjoying the job I'm doing now, but this other one is more in the category of dream job.

Dagim is coming down for a visit later on tonight. Think we might go out hunting for geocaches, but it depends whether he had enough yesterday when he found 19 of them in one day!

Windy walk

Yay, it was Sunday today! Which meant I could sleep as long as I wanted... That's when I decide to wake up early, 8.15! Why can't I sleep a bit more on a day off?

Anyway. Martine, Kassander and Remy came to pick me up at 11.30 and we went up to Semsvannet to go for a walk. Kassander decided to fall asleep just as we set off walking, so he missed the joy of seeing the horses. It was a nice walk, although a bit windy. Because we spent less than an hour walking round the water (which is situated next to where the Norwegian crown prince lives), we decided to walk back to my house. Half way there Kassander found out it was too boring to sit in the buggy, so we let him walk for a little while. After just over an hour we got back to mine, where Magne met us.

Remy came to pick up Martine and Kassander, and I went climbing with Magne. My arms are not working the way they should any more! Never mind. Got to the top of a few climbs, and promised myself once again that I want to go climbing more often!

The evening was spent cooking dinner and some cakes, whilst Magne kindly put some lights up on my ceiling :) And now it's late - again! - and time for bed!

lørdag 17. mars 2007

Customers - oh joy!

Got this email at work today and found it really funny! Unfortunately it's in Norwegian. Let me know if you require a translation!

Hei igjen

Jeg prøver igjen å forklare. Kan vedkommende som leser dette hente seg en kaffe og stresse ned i mer enn 2sek så skjønner du nok hva jeg skal ha.

Stolens (altså Gilbert) ben er i metall, bena går fra setet og ned mot gulvet, fordi føttene er laget i metall og har veldig skarpe kanter har produsenten naturlig nok satt på føtter på stolbena slik at man ikke skal ødelegge gulvet. Disse føttene er konstruert som følger: En plastikkdings er dyttet litt inn i stolbenet (red.anm. stolbenet: den blanke rørliknende saken under setet på stolen som går ned mot gulvet) slik at den skal sitte fast i stolbenet, vi kan kalle denne dingsen for Bjarne Hylse hvis dere vil.

Bjarne som sitter klemt fast inni stolbenet har normalt sett på seg sko, disse er svarte og i plastikk. Fordi Bjarne er litt av en festløve har han desverre mistet noen sko, slik man ofte gjør på fest! Jeg vil regne med at hvis man skal skaffe noen nye Bjarne Hylse så må man nok bestille hele Bjarne, det vil si at Bjarne Hylse som er presset opp i røret og skoene hans nok er i en del, hvis jeg skal gjette på et internt navn dere bruker så er det nok noe sånt som "føtter gilbert".

Jeg takker for denne gang og håper dere får ordnet meg noen nye Bjarne, eller føtter om dere vil.

Det skal sies at dette ikke er en reklamasjon, jeg hadde tenkt å kjøpe disse, henter dem gjerne på varehuset på slependen.

OBS: Dere trenger forøvrig ikke å kalle meg de eller dere, bare kall meg du.

Vennlig hilsen,


torsdag 15. mars 2007

Spring is here - I think!

I think it's spring now! Well, until we get more snow that is! It's spring enough for me to want to buy a bike and cycle to work anyway!

Had my day off today and spent it mainly outside. Went to see Martine and Kassander, and we bought some food from the bakery and went down to the beach to have lunch. Then I was lucky enough to look after Kassander for the afternoon, so we took a walk, and went to feed the ducks. One of the ducks thought Kassanders cake looked nice, and decided to nick it out of his hand! Kassander responded with a giggle, then chasing them back into the water.

I spent last weekend at a scout gathering with the District Commissionaries from all over Norway. That was really inspiring, and we've now got a lot of ideas for the year to come in our District. You can see the photos from the gathering here:

Well, that's it for now really.

New blog!


This is an attempt to keep you up to date with what I'm up to. Since moving back to Norway, there's a lot of people to talk to and keep in touch with, so I'm hoping that a lot of you will use this blog to keep in touch with me!

Cecilie :)