Here we are again, and it's suddenly become December! Time flies! Feels like only a few days ago we were sat in

Anyway, I've finally been allowed to put my Christmas lights up in the window, and it's great! A lot lighter inside on these rainy days. And tonight Torkjel and I have made a gingerbreadhouse! Woohoo! (We didn't cheat - honest! ;) )
The weekend was really busy with a lot of family stuff. Met my parents on Friday night. On Saturday I was working, and we went out for a meal at Arakataka with my parents in the evening. On Sunday we had the whole family business for coffee and cake. My parents, T's parents and his sister and boyfriend. Pretty full flat really, but it all went well I think. In the evening we went out for an Indian and saw Superbad at the cinema.
Last week went by with not doing and awful lot really. Went to see Irene on Thursday, and gave her a hand taking the twins to the nurse to get weighed and measured. They're certainly growing. In the evening we were a few from Danvik that met up at qba for a chat. Really nice seeing people again!
Another week has just started. I don't like to brag, but have to say that I was rather surprised today when I got awarded "the employee of the month" at work. Didn't expect it at all! Means a bit of extra cash in the next wages which is nice :D
Looking forward to the weekend with Lillehammer snow (the window pic is one my mum sent from LIllehammer today) and skiing. Woohoo :D
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