Well, it's first of March and February is all over. Does that mean we can expect spring yet? Guess not, I do live in Norway after all.... I'm sure we've got to expect some more snow before it all disappears.
Realised I haven't written here for a little while. It's Saturday night now and we've had a good day. Been for a long walk up to Frognerparken and roundabout other places. Then we went to the Cinema to see Sweeney Todd before heading for Sushi. Great fairly relaxing day.
Tomorrow Irene and co are coming to visit. Looking forward to a day spent with them. We did however see them last week too. Went iceskating with them, Laura, Russ and MO on the Saturday before we all headed to Peppes for dinner. Had the twins and Laura's 2 month old daughter with us too. On Sat night we went to a party at Torkjel's x colleagues house. MO's friend Heidi turned up there which was odd, as we didn't know we both knew the guy having the party. Sunday morning was spent in bed before we went to T's parents for Goose dinner.
The week gone has been busy with climbing at Torshov twice, and MO, Russ and Laura for dinner one night. Work is not as busy now, but still more than enough to do. Looking forward until we get the three new people working for us!
But now I'm gonna enjoy the rest of the weekend before work starts again on Monday.
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