Hmm... well it's a long time since I last posted anything on here. Maybe I should try to start blogging again?
Tommorrow a new era starts for us. Theo is having his first day at the childminders. I'm happy that we've got somewhere for him to go, at the same time as I really want one of us to look after him! I know it'll be worst for me though, and he'll probably love it! He is going to be with one other girl his same age all the time, and they're also going to visit the open nursery (playgroup) every day.
He's now a year old, walking around and also started to talk. He's very cute when he's walking around here. He also shows his temper every now and then, and is good at telling us what he wants and what he doesn't want.
Today has been a good day. The weather has been gorgeous, and we've been for a walk to Sandbakken. Our "local" forrest cafe. Felt like the rest of Oslo was there too, and it was packed with people outside. Eating waffles, skiing, sledging and generally enjoying the lovely day outside. Theo has decided that walking on snow is a bit too strange, so he ends up standing in one place watching what's going on around him until he sits down. I bet he wonders what all that strange white stuff is.
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